Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Almost Wordless...

This is a banana...

This is a banana after a House Panther attacks it:

Not The Mama had the banana in a plastic grocery bag for his afternoon snack. Well, Little Isis got to it first! You can click on the picture to biggify it to see the attack skills of a mini House Panther!


irish daisies said...

LOL i know what you mean. my cats can be bad at times :)o

Carrie said...

Oh my! What a vishus panther she is, indeed! Not the Mama should be proud to have such a stalwart guardian for his shop :)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Go Little Isis! You are already a fur-ocious House Panther. I'd better try those bananas if you and Pixie like them so much. Heck, even if I don't eat it, I can attack it!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Must have been VERY Vishus Banana to have jumped on Little Isis and made her attack it like that!

Mickey's Musings said...

Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! Good one Isis!!!
Purrs Mickey