Julie: Mum, what is this?
Mum: Well, Julie, since you wooffed up your
breakfast, I thought it best to give you a smaller
Julie: Seriously!!!!!
That is the dregs of an unfinished meal!
Do you really expect me to eat this?!
No Julie. I thought it was funny you left that
small bit in your dish..
Julie, are you feeling better?
Yes mum, I am.
I just like to look out the window from up here.
I can see out the porch door!
It is a nice view.
Mum, you are not the nice view!
You are also blocking my view.
The Mum:Julie was feeling a bit out of sorts ,but it was
short lived and she is fine!
We are glad you're feeling better now, Julie. We sure hope Mum moved from the window, so that you had an unobstructed view! :)
I'm glad you are feeling better, Julie!
We are glad you are feeling better now, Julie.
You are a beautiful kitty.
We think panfurs are pawsome (of course, We might be just a teensy weensy bit biassed, since one of Us is a black panfur - mol)
Back in the day, we used to say 'ralphed' instead of wooffed, or upchuck...or a myriad of other words! Glad you are feeling better, sweetheart!
Aw Julie, I'm glad you are feeling better.
Enjoy the view of outside including your mum :-)
julie....sorree ya hada time of it....ya eated burd dinna cha ~~~~~ see we haz been sayin....itz NOE GOOD FOR ANY ONE !!!!! glad ta lurn yur doin way better ~~ ☺☺♥♥
Poor Julie. I am glad she is feeling better.
Julie, Ivan does the same exact thing! Only here, we have the Izzy Vacuum to clean up any leftover bits. Glad you're feeling better!
Julie! I came back because I didn't get to your page before I left after seeing JJ and Georgia. I didn't know you were not feeling well before. Smoochies from my mommy. XXXX
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