Saturday, July 18, 2015

Caturday Art: Caution: Diamond at Work

There were all kinds of big trucks on our street this week. "What they doing?" I ask my bean as we watch them from veranda.

"I don't know," she say. "Constructing."

"Constructing what?" She say she not know. "Constructing Pet Supermarket?" She says she not think so.

But empty lot be good place to put new Pet Supermarket. Then I could shop there effury day.

Diamond at Work (1)

I do not know much about constructing, but I do know that you need plans to construct anything. "Maybe I go see what kind plans they have," I suggest.

"No," she says. "Stay on the veranda. You are a little cat and they are very big machines." Okay, she have point. "I'm sure they are just fixing the sewer lines," she says. Again? You mean they STILL broken?

Diamond at Work (2)

"What kind of machine that?" It very impressive at moving dirt around. I find anything that can kick litter better than me impressive.

"Bulldozer," she says.

"Bull....??? It put bulls to sleep?"

"" Seriously, should call it dirt mover. Name it what it is.

Diamond at Work (3)

Anyway, I think they done now and they street looks all new. So maybe they not construct anything, but fix street. Which not very useful to me, as I do not go in street. However, will make it easier for bean to go get me treats at day hunting ground.

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Artwork ©Digicats (& Dogs)


Peaches and Paprika said...

Luv yer effects and may we say u look great in that hard hat! Come visit us some time!

Eastside Cats said...

Big machinery makes Angel and Chuck run for cover! Too much noise, and weird screeching sounds...the peeps don't like them much either.

Mickey's Musings said...

We also think a pet supermarket would be pawsome!
Those big machines are noisy.
We have them near our street and they are fixing the road.
We think it best to stay away from them.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Cool stuff!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Sweet Purrfections said...

A pet supermarket sounds like a great idea to us

pilch92 said...

Diamond, you always come up with the coolest graphics.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

We love the idea of a pet supermarket!
...not so crazy about the constructing machines, though.
Purrs to you!

A Tonl said...

We totally agree, that machine is completely mis-named!