Monday, January 27, 2014

Midnight Monday with Julie

Lick,lick lick...

lick, lick,

 Down here too, lick,lick...

Oh,what's that?
The door to the porch is open?
Must go!

 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! nice sunshine!
Oh wait! What is JJ eating????


Mom here:
 JJ was recently diagnosed as having Hyperthyroid.
So far, it is mild. Due to his soft/runny poop, I took him to the Vet.
That is a symptom of the disease.
He gets Metronidazole twice a day and Tapazole once a day.
He takes his pill in a bit of stinky goodness.
At night, I give all the kitties a bit of the stinky goodness.
They are upset as they did not get any in the  morning!


Gigi said...

Julie, my sweet! That is Not Right. Anytime one kitty gets a treat, ALL the kitties should get a treat. That's just the way it should be. All this nonsense about pills and special treatment is just a smokescreen--make your Mommy fork over the tasty stuff!

Katnip Lounge said...

Well. We agree with Spitty! Treats, ALL the time.

Paws crossed that JJ improves and is right as rain in no time.

Summer at said...

Honestly? I think you kitties should get a little treat since you can't have any of JJ's.

CatInTheFridge said...

Rocky just finished metronidazole yesterday. So far, his vomiting has lessened! We're going to try some probiotics. We love all the grooming in this post. So clean! :)

Lone Star Cats said...

I think you should be getting treats too!

Selina said...

I'm with Spitty! Julie, you are SO lovely! We love looking at your pictures. Judging from this, your life is a busy one!

We hope that JJ improves very soon, dear. Have a wonderful Monday!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh Poor JJ!! Hoping the meds will keep it under control for you

Deb Montague said...

Julie, looks like you can't take a bath at your house either without mom grabbing the camera. And you look fabulous in the sunshine.

Hoping JJ is feeling much better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweeties! It might not seem right but you would want JJ feeling better, right? That would be fair. Sending comforting purrs...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

julie....troo lee...what JJ bee eatin iz ...well, itz GOOD...but knot...GOOD....leest ta ewe it will sorta kinda ...N dont let JJ heer this...taste like medisin...

JJ...dood.....keep up de good werk on yur diet buddy...that will help a BUNCH !!! enjoy yur ...flounder :)

meowmeowmans said...

Well, we are glad that JJ takes his pills so well. We hope his hyperthyroidism can get regulated soon. Julie, it seems wrong that the rest of you don't get a little treat, too...

Sasha said...

we hope JJ keeps well with the pills

Fur Everywhere said...

Sorry to hear about the hyperthyroid. We are glad that he takes his pills well, though! :)