Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Maya and the gang: New kid in town

The WORST THING EVER has happened.

My mommy is such a softie,she can't resist a kitty in need,and now I (and Cleo) are suffering the consequences.

What (or rather who) is causing me all this stress,you may ask.

 His name is Frankie,and is the newest addition to our family.And a BOY!Can you believe that?!We were perfectly alright with only having one boy (my daddy) in the house,but now there's this little pipsqueek,and he's all over the place,causing mayhem.

As you can see,Ogies is quite ok with the baby,and has started letting him sleep right next to her,eat next to her,and basically follow her around like a little maniac.

I'll admit,he's kind of cute (and almost a house panther,except for those pesky white parts) but he is invading my space!Cleo is most upset about this new development,and only comes in the house to eat.

My mommy is hoping we will all become good friends,but I told her not to hold her breath ;)

SIDENOTE FROM JUANI:  Do any of you guys have any tips on how to get these kitties to start getting along better?I know it will take lots of time and patience,but it is turning into winter here,and since all my cats are indoor/outdoor cats,Cleo has been spending all her time outside,as to avoid the little one,and I don't want her freezing outside once it starts to get really cold.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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WillOaks Studio said...

I went through the "kitten is an invader" syndrome last November. Mine had plenty of space here, places they could hide, duck out, etc. and after about 6 months, there is an uneasy peace. My female still hisses at Purrmeister at every chance she gets...and sometimes, the fur flies. My vet suggested rubbing the kitten with didn't work here...good luck!

Brian's Home Blog said...

What a cutie! It just takes time, shower the others with affection so they don't feel like they are being replaced. It took my Sister Sascha almost a year to adjust to new additions.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Adorableness!!! Concats on your new furbling! Frankie is furry cute and when he's all hyped up just say, "Frankie, we says relax!"

meowmeowmans said...

So cute! As for the introducing the new kitten thing, it may resolve itself if you give it a little time. Purrs and prayers!

Freya's Staff said...

He's GORGEOUS! OF course, not a patch on my little Teego, but I'm biased anyway... :-)

I have no advice I'm afraid, but we did make a film about their first week together..

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Frankie, you are totally ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!

The Island Cats said...

You may need to keep Frankie separated from the ones who don't like him yet and introduce them to one another slowly. Throwing cats all together and expecting them to get along does not always work. Make sure each time they are together is a good experience. Give them treats and/or play with them together. Feed them together. Make sure you give the "older" cats lots of attention...almost to the point of ignoring Frankie (which is hard to do because he's so cute!). Make sure they all have somewhere they can escape to when Frankie gets to be too much for them. And give it lots of time. They should come around and at least learn to tolerate each other. Good luck!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

That kitten's a cutie, introoder or not! It takes longer often with indoor/outdoor cats as cats are very dependant on scent and body language and kitties smell different when they've been outside
(happens when we go to the vet, too). Here's a couple of good links on info on intros...

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a cutie!

wildcatwoods said...

We agree totally with the Island Cats advice and would add sometimes rubbing the older cat with a towel and then rubing the new cat with the same towel transfers the scent! And some bloggers have had luck with a calming collar for the cats with phermoneson it. It does take a long time and the older cats should have a quiet place in the hosue to come or sometimes they do run off to find another place to live and we wouldn't want that!

cats of wildcat woods

Summer at said...

I think you got some good advice from the Island Cats and Teri. It does take time and patience, but I would not be too concerned. I don't think Cleo will stay out in the cold indefinitely to avoid Frankie. I get the feeling that the desire for comfort will eventually overcome her initial annoyance.

Pandora said...

Thanks for all the great advice guys!I'm going to try the towel-trick,just so Cleo can get used to Frankie's smell.I'm just glad she's still coming in to eat.Seems her appetite will win over any discomfort she might feel,lol.

Mo and The Purries said...

Maya, you are so darn lucky to have a new brother!
What a cutie!
Fortunately, Frankie is a kitten, so I think everything will work out soon.
Cleo will come around - who could resist that cute face?
Thanks for keeping us up-dated, looking forward to more adventures of you & Frankie!