Grr is busy taking a nap today, and has asked me to fill in.
Not The Mama says I've done Bad Things - that I've been a Tiny Terror again, and had to have a Time Out last night.
At least Not The Mama put Petey in the Time Out room with me, so I could have some
Tell me, do you have to have a Time Out when your bean says you're doing Bad Things?
By the way, I totally don't think I'm being Bad. That's my story, and I'm purring my way into trying to make it stick today...
Meow for now,
Little Isis

I was shocked that you would attack everybody. Did they make fun of you or something? I think you had to have a really good reason and I hope everybody is happier today.
I get timeouts too when I chase and bite my sister so much that she hisses at me. I can't help it, it's more fun to be bad!
I was thinking of putting Tristan in time out. I realize that his is the gift of gab, but does he have to do that "cat in heat" yowling? The spray bottle is only partly effective. In any case, I took pity on his tabby soul and took him off restriction and let him out. We probably won't see him for another week.
I used to get put in the time-out room all the time, till Max came. Now he lives in there and I get to roam freeeeeeeee! Free to chase and pounce whomever I want. Ahhh, it's good to be me!
Time Outs? But we are purrfect angels!
We get time outs sometimes too. Especially when we insist on trying to destroy the house. Constantly. For hours at a time. We don't understand why this gets us a time out after a while.
Isis, we can't believe a sweet thing like you could get into trouble!
Cats eyes are the windows to their souls! Beautiful Bewitching Photo!
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