Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Midnight Monday on Wednesday

Mini Panther

Tyler's brofer Jake wrote in Tyler's blog yesterday "The poor guy doesn't even get his own day of the week because none of the days start with "b" for black or even "p" for panther."

So I explained -- "Monday starts with M for Midnight - the official day of House Panthers, but everyone has gotten off Midnight Monday now and is doing Mancat Monday. Quite a shame, actually. The male House Panthers should be doing Midnight Mancat Monday to take both into considerations...that seems a bit complicated for them. And Tyler doesn't even take advantage of Mancat Monday, so who knows."

I have noticed that a lot of Mancats are getting away from Midnight Monday and I'm just as guilty some weeks as I don't always do a Midnight Monday, but it would be great if we could get the word out and make out club a little more active, don't you think? One of us with Mr. Linky (yes, I include myself in this) really needs to do a post in here each Monday with a Mr. Linky on it, so that our members can add links to their Midnight Monday posts.

I have been remiss, but so have all of us.

I'd also like to see this blog be more active, maybe we need to find something to do to make it more fun? Any suggestions? Tuxy Gang is always doing something, Simply Siamese is doing the Spring Contest for H.A.M. and well the M-Cat club as really taken off.

Help me out here, my fellow House Panthers. We need some ideas!


Anonymous said...

we completely agree with you. 4 of us are House Panthers, yet we haven't been posting here and not much on our own blog either. we really want to get things started, but first we've gotta get the Lady to give us more internet time. we'd love to have contests and fundraisers and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I've been meaning to ask if Puddy qualifies as a House Panther - I've just been so busy lately it slipped my mind. And Midnight Monday sounds fabulous - something all the beautiful black cats can take part in and bond over. :)