Monday, February 11, 2013

Midnight Monday with Tillie and Julie

Tillie:  Guess what? We had a BIG snowstorm this weekend!!
We had lots of snow and BIG wind too. It was so 
nice to be indoors with Mom. She did go out at times
to shovel snow, but came back to warm up and cuddle
with us ! That was fun !

You can see all the snow! It covered the ramp we have outside 
the house. It took Mom a while to move it, heehee.
She moved snow in other places also.

When the storm was not too bad, the birds would come looking for 
food. Mom made a path to the birdfeeder and look who came to 
dinner!! A panther mourning dove!! He was dining on the
big tree stump next to the birdfeeder.

Julie: Oh yeah!! We had great Bird TV when Mom put the
 seeds out. The birds really liked them.

They are tough little birds to come out  when it is snowing.
I guess they have to in order to get something to eat.
It was fun to watch them. It would have been fun to go out
and play with them, but Mom said it was too cold and the
snow was too deep. Well, she shoveled it ...right? So it would 
not be so deep. However, it would be cold! I guess
I will stay inside after all.


Katnip Lounge said...

YIKES!!! Stay inside where it's warm...maybe your Mom could invite the birds indoors?

Summer at said...

I would not want to be outside in that snow - even with all those delicious looking birdies!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

tillie N julie...thatz like watchin a scaree mewvie on de tee and vee....

yur mom wuz rite ta keep ewe in, one listen two thoze stoooooooooooooopid burds out there N ya woulda been crazed on de spot


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Great bird TV and so glad your mum fed the birds in all that snow.. Hugs GJ xx

meowmeowmans said...

Those birds look fun, but only if you are watching them from INSIDE, where it's warm!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Wow you really got the snow. We watch the birdies off of our window seats since we are not outsiders.

Come by my blog and see the surprise I have fur you!

Marilia said...

Nice bird TV!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh my! So much white stuff! We don't have snow in Sydney and the kitties have never seen snow.

A Tonl said...

Mowzers, what pawesome Bird TV photos! And the snow is beautiful - if you don't hafta get out in it!!

Unknown said...

Tillie you are so cute! Hello, I love those eyes! I found your blog on KN Lounge blog and we are joining your blog to follow. We invite you to join our blog to follow us too...we would love having you do so! Meow...

Purrs & Hugs,
Miss Kitty & Mum