Monday, June 25, 2012

Midnight Monday with Tillie

JJ is having a nap,but I think he could be doing
something much more useful!

JJ, would you give me a little bath?

It feels so nice when you clean my furs.

You do it so well too !!!

Sometimes,brothers can be very helpful!!!!


Katnip Lounge said...

It's so nice to have somecat to get all those hard-to-reach bits!
MOL @ your Modesty Heart!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

It's looks like you got a thorough head washing! HaHaMeow! We've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but never this way!

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

JJ is such a sweet brofur, Tillie, to gently give you a bath even when you woke him from his nap. We've never seen a kitty with a tuckus like yours before, Tillie! And pink, too.

Laura & Taffy

Summer at said...

Around here, washings lead to wrassling, so we usually don't come up and ask for them!

Fuzzy Tales said...

LOL @ Prancer's comment re: wearing one's heart on one's sleeve...or other parts.

Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by to wish Derry a happy birthday!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think I should tell my sisters that too!

Mickey's Musings said...

Taffy, Mom had to Google "tuckus" heehee Now she knows where "tuches" comes from ;)
Mom embarrassed me by putting that heart "there" !!
JJ is a cool brother too ;)
Purrs Tillie

The Island Cats said...

Tillie, JJ sure was nice to give you a bath. Whenever we give each other a bath, it always ends up in a wrasslin' match!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for stopping by my post today. i needed a laugh and this post with the heart shaped privacy plug made me laugh out loud. photos are so sweet, pets together make my heart melt.

LP said...

We can see he is a very useful and helpful brother but we just can't get over your heart shaped anus...
We know it's wriong to say that word....anus , but we had to say it on account of the heart...

the critters in The Cottage xo

Lily said...

That is so nice of your brother to give you a bath!

catsynth said...

That's very sweet. Always nice to see when cats are friendly and groom one another.