Happy Monday friends !!
As you can see, I am having a nice
little nap.I got to have fun with Mom when she
stayed home Sunday. After lots of fun,a nap is good.
But!!! You know how it goes. Moms think you
look "cute" and drag out that darn flashy box!
Who can nap with flashing lights?!!
Come on Mom!! Adjust your camera so
it does not flash!!!!
Gee!!! Now I'm wide awake!
Well, I guess I will get up and check
around the house to see what I can find.
Maybe a mouse will sneak indoors and we can
have lots of fun!!!
I hope your Monday is lots of fun too!!
But be good, cause Santa Claws comes this

Love the way you stick one paw to relax! Merry Christmas!
You looked real comfy there, Tillie, resting there after your fun with mom. Until the flashy box came along. Well we hope you find a mousie and have even more fun. You are being a very good girl; I'm sure Sandy Claws will bring you nice stuff. Happy Holidays to you and your whole family!
Laura and Taffy
Stretching out a leg is a great way to emphasize your need for repose. That, and rolling and covering your eyes with a paw (which we recommend!). You are sweet!
Now this is what we call Tillie overload ... but delightfully so!
Tillie, we know what you mean about the "Flashy Thing". But ... can we help it if we're so beautiful? Me & my black sisfur, Morticia, and brofur, Peppers, are always having to deal with photos ...
But your photos are BEAUTIFUL darling!!
My sisters and i would like to send you my sincere gratitude for helping support the HPP.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Your new Friends - Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle too
Tillie, you ought to laserize your Mom in the middle of the night for revenge!
Tillie looks so peaceful while snoozing. Sorry about the flashy box disturbing her rest, but glad we got to see some nice pictures as a result :)
Laura and Taffy, we wish you both a Merry Christmas and happy holidays too :)
Taffy, I hope you are doing better!! I am sending lots of purrs to you :)
Purrs Tillie ,<3
Love those lovely pictures of the little lady.
MikiCato and the rest of the Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
The best of the Holidays to everyone reading along, no matter what shape form or fashion of Holiday you celebrate. Be safe, and ENJOY!
~Lisa and RoySr~
You look so pawsomely relaxed, Tillie! Cute pics.
Those dang humans with the flashy box. You certainly are cute!
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