I don't know what that whole big deal about Black Friday was... I mean, every day is Black Furday as far as I'm concerned!
If you want to see some cool holiday kitty collages that I helped create, check this out: http://www.etsy.com/listing/86163259/kitten-christmas-vintage-postcard
And remember to support small businesses like Etsy shops on Small Business Saturday!
If you have a small business online that you'd like to promote, please leave a link in a comment and we'll add it to this post!
Meow for now,
Little Isis

MikiCato says: "Bes I kin figures out bout dis Black Furday thingie is dat da BIG Budinez folkes is gimmikin up da hollieday seasons wif a common ting to get all da more green papers from da Beans.
Still, da season call for buyin tings as giftes for evruybodies, but dat no reasons to cause so much troubles and brings out da 'bad guyes' who hurts da oders jus to gets all da best.
I laks lilie shopes and stores. Dere nicer folkes in der den at da big places.
Everbudies stays safe, be happies, stay warmz, and cuddle da Beans. Dey are da hunters what goes to da shops and gets da din dins after alls."
Thanks for the reminder, Isis! We try to shop at small and local businesses as much as possible. In this economy. it can make all the difference to keep them afloat.
Happy Holidays!
Laura and Taffy
We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
Yep, for you every day is Black Furday. And you don't have to sit in a parking lot all night to celebrate. :)
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