RoySr speaks:
On rare occasion I take the liberty of adding a bit of verse or a quote that I think goes with one of the photos I managed to catch of my little House Panther, MikiCato. This is one of those times.
Lately the little cat has been hanging close to me,
sticking close almost like a Velcro patch, not that I mind,
but it worries me. He is the one who tried to tell me,
the night I before I went to the Emergency Room
with major problems.
Again, he was there telling me when I had to go for the
heart thing. Long story short: I am worried about him.
He is only 8 years old, but lately he acts much older,
is not spending much time at play, just lazing around,
dull coated, eyes sometimes vacant looking.
Methinks my little ManCat is getting old.
The others give him his share of room and attention,
and he always has my back, but .....
Maybe I'm seeing too many reports and stories of folks' pets
growing old, getting sick and such .....
Still, MikiCato is with us, he's right now on my left
on the desk close beside me with his little paw on my left arm.
Life is good at Five Oaks Manor, SouthWoodsUSA.
Have a good day and y'all come see us either/or
Miki can be seen, along with the other 5 Mouskateers, on all three sites.

Lovely cat....and with your musings...reminds me a bit of Neil Gaimans "The Price" story. One of my favs.
Maybe he just needs people gray ghost kitty Dor goes through periods where she will have nothing to do with me.....and then for days, I cannot keep her off me.
Cats....they are fantastic of the many reasons I adore them.
Unless he's really old and doesn't groom anymore, his coat should be shiny. Maybe is starting to develop something and should see the vet???
Beautiful picture, Roy. We sure hope MikiCato is okay ... sounds like you two have quite the special bond. Purrs and prayers to you both.
Gorgeous picture of Miki, Roy. And love the verse. I hope you are OK. Dull coat and eyes could mean dehydration from some cause. A trip to the V-E-T would be a good idea. 8 is too young to be acting "old".
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment on Jet's B-day. It is much appreciated.
Laura and Taffy
Visit your vet for a "Geriatric checkup" to MikiCato. It´s a good idea.
Little Dude is doing fine now. He even badmouthed and growled at me when I picked him up and put him in his nest/box when he was getting under foot. Ah, the healthy look of a mad little House Panther. 2 Minutes after the evil looks and noise he was crawling into my arms for a cuddle and a nap. He got the cuddle, I got the nap. He stayed with me though.
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