I brung you some piktures of my lil SisFur from da Cat Porch outside on Five Oaks Manor house.
Ocourse you knows hansome me in dis firs pikture.
I be Me, MikiCato.
An dis be Miss Princess, da eldest of da kitties in da clowder
da Large One done named da 6 Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor.
Her a House Panther, but her house not have all da walls
mos House Panthers has. Her does share a small room
Da Beans calls da 'laundrey room' (or sumpin lak dat) wif
our other SisFur, Smokey. She not a House Panther,
so you only sees her at Buddy Bear's Cats' World's Blog,
and da new one, da Buddy's FaceBook page.
Her be a lovin kittygurl, love to be on da Beans' laps,
but not lets da Beans carry herselfs around.
Her head outside securities guard for da Manor House.
She inspect all da neighberhod kitties and da Ferals
what comes for din-dins and a bed to sleeps in.
She not turns nones away, but she not lets mean ones be means.
I hopes everone no minds I shows you my SisFur today.
I tink she a mighty purty House Panther
and I makes dis post as a salutes to Miss Princess.
Nex weeks I bes back wif a story for everbodies dat I tink be a good one. Leastwise da Large One done said "It's good!"
Till nex time .....
I gones .....

Hi Miki,
Nice of your to introduce sweet Miss Princess. She's a beauty. Glad she stops the mean ferals at your place. Later.
Taffy and that woman
Wow, Miss Princess is beautiful! Thank you for introducing us to her, MikiCato. :)
You're so handsome, MikiCato and Miss Princess' got such sexy lips! :)
Hi MikiCato!! You are looking good as always!!
It is so nice of you to share your post with your lovely sisfur :)
Miss Princess is pretty and even has 'lips' :)
We bet she does a grand job outside looking after Five Oaks Manor!!!!
She looks mighty happy :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
All of u are very smooth and pretty! :) I like ur pikshers. :)
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