Sunday, April 03, 2011

The importance of sleep...

Hello brother and sister house panthers...
I've had so much fun getting to know all of you and meeting other gorgeous panther cats like myself.  We are the most beautiful, are we not? And I know all of YOU know how important it is to get beauty sleep. So, today I'd like to share with you, how rudely I'm interrupted by my mom when I try to get refreshed.

First, when my mother wakes up, I climb back into MY bed and snuggle back down into the blankets.
I love the comfort of re-arranging of the blankets, just the way I want too. But then, my mother has the audacity to remove me from my blanket nest, so that she "makes the bed" (her words, not mine) and that upsets my whole sleeping routine, so I always shoot her a dirty look to see if she'll changer her mind, but it never works.

So, finally after much grumbling, I'm finally awake...

I show her how displeased I am that she makes me get out of my bed.

 After she apologizes me, I get back to the important matter of sleeping and prepare myself for a cat nap.

I start to tune out any annoyances from either my sister, Sele or my mother..I move around the bed a bit to find just the right spot to sleep, but I can feel my eyes closing...

And finally when everything is peaceful, I go back to sleep and forget the world...

So, the important lesson here, is don't let your humans distract you from the important things in life, like sleep. With enough determination, nothing can stop we cats from getting what we want, which is to sleep.

Purrs to all of you, Miss Bella

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Katnip Lounge said...

What a battle. We need another nap just reading about it!

Mickey's Musings said...

Miss Bella, we could not agree more!!!! It is too bad your Mom has to disturb you though!! Moms are silly that way ;) We are glad you got comfy and had a good sleep after all :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Mo and The Purries said...

Miss Bella,
That is an epic nap lesson! Photographing House Panthers isn't easy but your mom does a great job!
Thanks for sharing your sleep story here at House Panthers!

Marg said...

That did take a lot of work to get back to that nap that you had tried to start. But good work getting everything in order so that the nap could continue. Have a good one.

Summer at said...

Humans are not supposed to "make" the bed while it is still being used! That is no fair!

Tiger Tha Laziest Cat said...

Humans always have to get in our way! I hope you can have a rest before the humans come into the bed! x