Friday, April 29, 2011

How to be a Gargoyle by ~Miss Bella~

Hello brother and sister house, I'm going to show you how to be the perfect gargoyle. A gargoyle? Yes, you heard me correctly. You know those ugly looking creatures that hang out in high places leering and grimacing down at everyone?

Well, acting like a gargoyle is perfect for panthers who love to stalk and scare their humans. Here, I'll demonstrate how I do it...

First, find the right place that's high enough to peer down..See my place on top of a bookshelf?

I pretend that I am the queen of the castle and ignore everything and everyone below me...

By now my mother starts screeching at me to "get down NOW, Miss Bella!" You know how humans can get, so I cooly look at her with disdain...

And what really frustrates her is when I start washing myself to show her, I'll come down when I'm good and ready..

But, then she throws up her paws in the air and walks away from me, muttering and saying impolite things that I won't repeat here, because I'm a lady...I start to worry a little and tell her; "O.k. mom, I'm ready to come down, can you please help?"

And with a sigh, she gets up on this thing called a "step-ladder" she grabs me in her arms and my playing "gargoyle" comes to an end. Well, I pounce up on a smaller table that's not so high so I can retain at least a little dignity as a kitty gargoyle...

I hope you've all enjoyed my lessons on how to be a gargoyle. Now go out there and scare your humans...

Purrs to all,
Miss Bella

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Brian's Home Blog said...

You looking mighty fine! Thanks for the lesson, I shall give it a try. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I loved "I clean myself to show her I will come when I am ready" or something to that effect and "she threw her paws in the air" are just adorable!

Mickey's Musings said...

Those were great instructions Miss Bella ;) We must say that you are a much prettier gargoyle ;) heehee
Our Mom would probably yell at us to get down too :/
Moms just don't get it do they? hahaha

Purrs Tillie and Georgia