Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Mancat's Dilemma

What's a fella to do? I love my mom cuz she's the one that feeds me...and a lot of other nice things. And then I realized, "A mancat can do ANYTHING!!!!" Don't I look HANDSOME???????? :)


The Sammy part of Meowsville

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Raymond and Busby said...

Sammy, maybe when your Mombug isn't looking you should give that hat to Andy. Tell your Mombug that you think sharing with Andy is good.

You do make that hat look good though, you are one manly mancat panther! xo, Raymond

Mo and The Purries said...

Sammy, I think you look adorkable in that hat! Adorable, I mean adorable!


Sammy some kitties look good in any
ensemble and we think you are one
of those photogenic kitties! :)