Sunday, August 09, 2009

Pixie's Chillin' on Sunday

Hi peoples! I'm just hanging out in my tent cube, taking it easy on this warm Sunday. What're you panthers up to today?

Hope you're having an Easy Like Sunday day too.

Bye peoples!

of The Kitty Krew

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The Island Cats said...

Hi ya, Pixie...I'm trying to stay cool today...we gots the hots and humids today...and as you know, I'm not able to fly on my boogie mat to someplace cool!

You sure look comfy in your cube!


Reese =^..^= said...

That looks fun! Enjoy your Sunday.

Anonymous said...

The kitty slugs at my house are all sleeping...2 in the basement windows, one in the bed....dreary rainy day here - so quiet - good day for a nap

SeaThreePeeO said...

Looking good Pixie! are those tent cubes as much fun as they look?

Mo and The Purries said...

Hi Pixie - that is a great tent cube!