Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On The Island With Ernie


There's nothing like laying in a good sunbeam....

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The Monkeys said...

Definitely have to agree with you, Ernie! That's a wonderful bean you have there

Mishkat said...

Ernie, you are always so cute! That's a really nice photo of you.

Anonymous said...

Sunbeamz are just da bestest! Our momma was workin' in da sunroom yesh-terday gettin' it ready fur new paint but we tinkie she was reely wantin' us da lay in da sun. She sayz we just cook like eggz in da pan when we find a good sun spot!

The Creek Cats said...

You've found a great sunbeam to lay in, Ernie!!

Mo and The Purries said...

Ernie, that is a fantastic picture of you.
The contrast of the shadows and the carpet is a perfect frame for your silky House Panther furs!
We're cloudy here today, so Little Isis may teleport over to the Island and lie with you in the sun, ok?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That sunbeam makes you shiny ans you really do look like a panther!

meemsnyc said...

Sunbeams ARE the BEST!!

Nomi said...

You were made for sunbeams!

Anonymous said...

We'd frame that one!

Your Daily Cute said...

What a beautiful picture!

Mickey's Musings said...

Black furs and sunbeams!!
Nothing beats that :)
Purrs Mickey

Baby Patches said...

Looks likes you really enjoyings dat sunbeam! Does your furs get toasty?