Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Maya on Tuesday:The colder the weather,the closer we sleep together

Hi efurrybuddy!It's getting really cold down here in South Africa,and this weekend my mommy and daddy spent the whole time watching picture thingies on the picture box,all cuddled up warmly,and I wanted someone to cuddle with too!

So my buddy Cleo came over to keep me company.Yay!

Me and Cleo wrestling on the couch
After the wrestling,we got really tired,so we took a nap
Brrr!It got so cold,I had to use Cleo as an extra blanky!

Have a grrrrreat week efurryone!

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Mo and The Purries said...

Maya, it's so great that you have a buddy next door who comes over to play and snuggle and cuddle with!
You both are so cute together!
It's finally getting WARM here, so I can totally relate to being cold - our winters here last seven months!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

How wonderfuly cute.. You are so lovely and snug there.

Hugs GJ xx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh those are such cute pictures!

meemsnyc said...

That is snuggly cute.


Furry friends r the best!