Saturday, May 23, 2009

Little Isis: I'm a multi-social-networking kitty!

facebook logo Pictures, Images and Photos

Not The Mama gotted me my very own facebook profile!  You can add me as a friend there by searching for "Little Isis" and 'friend' me!  He set this up so that when I Twitter (I'm Purr2Dream there!) it automatically updates my facebook status.  Isn't technology cool?

Do any of you other House Panthers have facebook accounts? 

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Nomi said...

I consider myself fortunate that miewmie just about managed to cweate a bloggy page for me. It would be a leap too far to try facebook as well. I wish you well with yours though !!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

My mum says she has just about time to keep up with my blog and work, Maybe later. lol

HUgs Gj xx


GOT BLOGS? I Do. Three. No time for Facebook, maybe someday?
Best Wishes! :)

BooBoo said...

Wow you are on facebook. I only have my blog page. My people say for now that is enough. They do not what all the publicity going to my head.