It was finally Friday and out in the yard, Meowza was stiring, and he was bored! That is usually the first sign there is going to be Chaos!
Yup! There he is getting ready to start some trouble with CeCe!
If you're looking for Chaos, you really need look no further than my house, but this time, my tabby brofur wish to plead his innocence in the matter of Mr. Stinkypaws.
Do you have any silly nicknames? Be sure to stop by and tell him yours.
Over it life from a Cat's Perspective, it is certainly Chaos. Really, we try to be good but What you gonna do?

Parker says her Meowmie is a "Crazy Cat Lady". AS if the story in their newspaper isn't enough to convince you of that, Parker shows you the Kitty Cat themed tree they have to themselves.
Cats love to hide and might even hide from Sandy Claws. Elms in the Yard has found a little Torbie Kitty hiding on the neighbor's terrace!
Belle might wish to hide from the snow and cold that has swept Watermark's corner of the world. Then again...maybe not...
I know of quite a few cats and a couple of woofies that really love the snow! You can find them playing in at T-13: Snow Daze (Part II).

"What snow is that, mate?"
Then you can meet more cats from Watermark's wanderings on Sunday Cat Blogging.
And be sure to stop by Vampy Victor's place and check out some Little Bundles of Burnese Cuteness.
It seems that Kissy Mouse is really coming and the Manx News has reported seeing something very special. What is this...could it really be? Yes, it looks like...Ping, the red nosed reincat!
Over on the Island, everyone wants to know What's Wally Doing?

What I really want to know is...what Ernie think he up to?
Do you know what you want for Kissy Mouse? Some cats have been already writing letters to Sandy Claws. See what they would like, and let us know what you would like from Sandy Claws as well!
Ollie, from Thomas Pages, already has what he wants as he really "hearts" Amazon.com. Drop by his blog to find out why!
Looking for a gift idea? Vera Lang would like to suggest the "So Happy" cat, an earlier work by Andy Warhol. It very cute, but somehow, a little out of my price range.
For maybe something more in your price range, you might try out some of the many auctions and raffles going on, which Miz Mog outlines at For the Cats.

House Panthers recommends giving the gift of Little Isis this holiday season!
What do you suppose I can get for $3.57?
Need more cat blogging? Don't forget to check out Weekend Cat Blogging over at The Bread Chick's Place.
Then head on over to the one, the only, Carnival of the Cats hosted by one of the grand masters of chaos himself, Rocky at Artsy Catsy.
Thanks for joining us for this edition of Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos!
::Clap Clap Clap::
What a great festival!!
Whooo!! Hooo! Great BKC Festival of Chaos Diamond! We enjoyed it so much! Thanks for hosting!
Your FL furiends,
Pawsome, you guys did a wonderful job putting together very enjoyable festival.
Mog, Meowza and Cece
What an incredible Festival! We wanted to participate but our typist wasn't home in time however we are enjoying all the others...Hooray for all the Bad Kitty Cats!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Love the cat themed Christmas tree. certainly makes it different from every other one I have ever seen.
I think my Little Mo would love it too.
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