Wow! For minute there I wonder if we going to get off the ground! Last night my monitor screen go all green! Happily, my bean have a back up monitor so...
Off we go!
First we start with a couple of submissions that come in late for last week's Carnival.
Aloysius from Catymology wish to wish us a Happy Halloween...belatedly of course:
Nice Laser eyes!
Karen recaps the great debate at Author Mom with Dogs. Should Finn, her Maine Coon, be an inside or an outside cat.
I live inside most of the time but I go outside when I want. This suites me best. I would not wish to live outside all the time.
Over at The Poor Mouth, they have a visit from an intruder cat. He kind of rude as well!
Would you like some Coffee with Cream? Just stop by and visit Hakuna at Blog d'Elison.

The Cat Realm Dares you! And keeps on daring you in I Dare You All #4, Part 3.
We kind of likes Zoolatry's dare:

My brofur, on the other paw, dares you to give Peace a Chance:

Don't forget to stop by the Peace Globe Gallery to see all the other lovely globes created for the Blog Blast for Peace.
Pets Central thinks the way to peace to is in training your kitten. So they present Simple Tips to Train Your Kitten.
Life Info Zone, on the other Paw provides us with an article on Understanding about Cat Health Care. It very basic article, but well worth the read.
Aside from reminding us that Sandy Claws is on the way, Manx Mnews shares a one size fits all cat bed on Finally Friday. It magical!
Change is in the air over at Perfectly Parker. It appears they are doing some remodeling an the kitties are snoopervising...of course!
Actually, the whole world is remodeling as the leaves change colors. Join me at Diamond's Harvest Home as we take a look at 13 Frisky Felines in the Fall:

Wait, what's that noise? Oh, it's just Oreo and he's leaving. And it look like lots of fun too!
No pictures of autumn leaves at Elms in the Yard, but her ladyship gets some Chick-Hen while Missy makes quite a dish...
Over in the Texas Oasis, it's snooze time on Furbaby Friday:

Kate is also in Texas, contemplating life on the Gulf Coast at No Deep Thoughts.
Do you have a rule in your house about no cats on the table? Well Rocky the Turkey cat has overturned it at Artsy Catsy.

Check out how having Cats on the Table can help other kitties!
The original Doubting Thomas may doubt this, but he certainly doesn't doubt that Friday Cat Blogging is Happiness.
My bean says she used to have a little floofy white dog like the one next to His Kittiness in the picture.
Uh-Oh...Phoebe is all Bug-Eyes and ready to cause trouble at Phoebe, A Siamese Cat.

Sissy Willis punctuates political discussion with Cat Photos in Spining isn't everything. If that's not enough, try Will President Obama "preserve, protect and defend"? But more importantly, will he give me Temptations?
In the end, He who laughs last laughs best, but it's the kitties laughing at all the political nonsense the come out on top.
Jon Swift leaves out the pictures of the cute cats, and takes offense at President Elect Obama's use of the word "mutt". Hey, I am black, and I am a mutt, and I don't really care what you call me, as long as you call me to dinner.
I would like to call Jon Swift too much of a nitpicker.

Some people will submit anything to a blog carnival, and all I can say is, it's a "Good Thing" that I don't have to accept them all. If you are are reading this, you know who you are.

It is now time for a litter box break. This carnival will resume in half an hour. In the meantime, please enjoy a word from our sponsor:

This week on T-13: Puddins Billy Sweetfeets, Dr. Tweety, Baby Mao, Mushka, Harley, Nelly, Olive Oyl, Sweet Praline, and Tesla the Kitty will be joined by Woofies Diamond, Rocky and Penny, plus, one very special NMS Mystery Guest!

Okay, back to work!
It's a Tummy Tuesday with the Mind of Mog. And Meowza is just flaunting that tummy too.
There are even more tummy shots at iMeowza.
The Moggster wish to let us know she voted. Meowza on the other paw, elected to clean his toes:

Things are all together when you view Life from a Cat's Perspective.
Katie's Kitties wish to invite us share a story, but they mess up the submission form, so I do not know which one they wish to share. So feel free to enjoy them all!

Yes, Cats are crazy indeed.
StrangeRanger which to report that Ivy is not feeling well ...In Sickness. We will certainly purr for her to get better soon!
Maddie meanwhile has been sleeping in my favorite spot:
Meanwhile the Island Cats are taking it Easy on Sunday. It would appear that Ernie and Wally have a visitor...
Well that does it for another Carnival of the Cats! Brainball seems have enjoyed all the rides immensely:

I hope he not have too much Cotton Cat Candies...
Until next time!

Diamond, you did a PAWESOME job with the carnival!
Always a delight Diamond!
Wonderful Job Diamond! Your Carnival was pawtastic!
Hi 5 paw,
PS: The Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos is up, too!
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