Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Hey, that's MY Not The Mama!!!"

Little Isis here, with terrible news!!! Not The Mama is allowing a "foster" kitty to be in MY space!!!
He even picked her up!!!!!! This is terrible!!! I already have to share his 'fections with the Jaz-man, and now this!!!!!!
To read the whole terrible story, click on over to Purrchance To Dream!!!!
I'm gonna go defend my kitty tower from the intruder!!!


Anonymous said...

you're just the cutest little thing! oh, but about the foster kitty..."foster" means "goes away after a while". you get to stay. try to be a good girl and share. Not The Mama is a really sweet guy to take care of any kitty that needs him.

jenianddean said...

I know it's tough, but sometimes you have to share. The strange thing with affection is that it grows the more it's given! (But I would still defend your tower...)
--Huggy Bear