Hello Fellow Housepanthers,
I hope everyone made it safely through Halloween, since that can be a very scary time for us black cats.
I haven't posted in a while, because I don't see Dad everyday anymore. I am very happy living with Grandma and Chloe. So happy in fact that at my last check up this weekend, Dr. Nick told Grandma, Mom and Dad that I gained a whole kilogram (2.25 lbs). Dr. Nick was very pleased and said that whatever Grandma was doing she needs to keep doing it. He even stoled some of my bloods. I must have studied real hard fur this test, because everything came back within normal ranges, except for my BUN readings (but even they were down significantly). My pee test came back with similar readings. I guess my one remaining kidney is doing its job.
This is kind of a milestone for me, since it was a year ago that I was diagnosed with CRF. Dr. Nick thought that with all the damage to my kidneys I would live more than six months to a year. Well, I made it past a year, and with the results from my tests, I hope to have several more.
Thanks for all the purrayers, they have worked a miracle that a year ago my humans did not think was possible.
Cheers to you, Smudge!
That is an awesome post!
(and the other kitties from
Purrchance To Dream)
We're so very happy for you! You're looking gorgeous and healthy and we bet you live lots more happy years. Say hi to that cutie Chloe from us!
That is good to hear Smudge. Your doctor is right, whatever your Grandmaw is doing, she needs to keep doing to make you better.
Smudge. Glad to know you're still going strong.
Maybe you need to get your own blog, so we can keep up with you and your Grandma and the rest of the gang.
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