Grrsday should just be pictures of me, but those kittens (Rascal & Riley) are celebrating their one year Gotcha Day and their first birthday today, so I thought I'd show you some pictures of me with Riley. She wasn't always scared of me. She used to try to cuddle with me all the time. Of course, that was before I started stalking her and trying to eat her.

Oh you look so cute together! How things change, eh?
Huffle Mawson
Sa-weeeet! We just came form there, but Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day again R & R!!
Oh my goodness golly - has it really been a year???
Congrats to everyone at Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa - yes, especially to you, Grr!!!!
Not The Mama
Grr, you look so cute together :)
Now the little purrballs are a year old!!! wow!!!
Purrs Mickey
Grr, you look great with Riley. Too bad you decided to stalk and eat her. Ah well. Some things you've just gotta do.
your bud Pepi
Grr what a good cat sitter you were! You guys are so cute.
Awwwww! Those are too darn cute for words!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Grr you looked so cute together. Do you still try to eat Riley?
Awwwwwww, what sweet pictures! Now I'm going to go over to see Rascal & Riley - Happy Gotcha/Birthday to them!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
You both look adorable together, i send you a bunch of puuurrrrssss
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